I happen to think things should be fair. I totally understand that they aren't, I just think they should be. I tend to lean toward the notion that a little common sense can go a long way. Common sense says don't talk trash behind someones back because they are probably going to find out. Common sense says don't lie or cheat. Common sense says don't get so drunk that you have no idea what you are doing. Common sense says...........
HELLO!!!!!! Is anyone getting that common sense may be God speaking. The little voice that says, don't be hurtful. Don't do things you know you will regret. Don't gossip, don't lie, don't steal, don't be a drunkard. These are all fundamentals and even though I try to do these things, I can't say I am very good at it. I suck at being a decent person when Satan is attacking full force, like he is now. Now, I fall into gossip, I am afraid constantly, I think the worst of some people and I don't even bother to take care of myself. This is NOT the Tish God intended me to be.
I know it is not for me to say if someone is evil or not but I do believe Satan will work through people and, let me just tell you, that somebody is just about on my last nerve! When it seems someone sets out to destroy our family and is telling hateful, hurtful lies, I am finding it very difficult to show love and kindness. It just isn't fait that we are having to deal with this person right now. In a world where things were fair, this person would not even exist! I have been struggling with how I am supposed to show the love of Christ to this person whom I happen to be convinced may just be satan's spawn. Okay, I get how harsh that sounds and I don't truly believe this person is the spawn of satan but I am angry that she is sharing the same air I breathe!
How are we supposed to show the love of Jesus to someone who irritates us so? Someone who, even if some of the words are true, they are so hurtful and malicious, they should never be repeated. How do we "turn the other cheek" when it could cost someone so much.
Maybe, just maybe, by calling them on their crap. I don't think we are supposed to let people walk all over us just because we are a follower of Jesus. I don't think that is what He had in mind. Are we really supposed to enable the hateful ways? If we don't say anything, isn't that just what we are doing?
Okay, this is where I am always in trouble, I personally think we are supposed to confront in kindness, I get that. My problem, how do I confront in kindness when I really just want to bop someone? My answer, I can't, I am just not capable of that kind of kindness and love. The difference is, the old me would have just handled the crap the best way I knew how and dealt the aftermath the best I could. The new me, I have been dealing with this person for about a month now, listening to all the rediculous words and watching actions that are shameful. I am praying like crazy and....... well, I haven't bopped anyone yet! This is a good thing. This is an accomplishment.
Today, my prayer is simply, thank you God that I haven't bopped anyone so far. It is only because of you that has been possible.
Oh yea, I will also be praying for peace and possibly waking up on the other side of the bed tomorrow.
First of all, I love you, and that you always make me giggle :) Yea, we are not capable of that kind of love and kindness, but HE IS! Ask Him to bind up that flesh, and His spirit to drown out nasty words and desire to bop someone, LOL!
ReplyDeleteBut...also let me say I do admire your strength very much! I tend to be a doormat, and I love that you do not let yourself or the ones you love get runover! That takes some strength from a mighty woman of God!!!! Love and Blessings, and peaceful rest! Stephanie