OK, so this morning, I am driving to work, listening to a little Nicole C. Mullen (whom I love) and just pondering. Let me warn you, my brain is just a little silly. If you know me very well, you won't be surprised at all! Whatever, just try to stay with me, it could be an interesting ride!
OK, Jesus fed the masses with 2 fish and a little bit of bread. This whole concept just blows me away. Exactly how did this happen, I mean, how did it actually look? Did Jesus give a piece of bread to someone and when he reached into the basket, there was just more bread or did each person pull off a piece and it just kind of regenerated. Seriously, like a lizards tail if it gets pulled off, only instantly. Don't really know why that is what I thought of but...
He used that bread and fish and blessed soooooo many people. The people at the end of the line received just as much of a blessing as those first in line. Makes no sense, huh. The bread and the fish asked no questions, they didn't argue, the bread never said, "hey Jesus, sounds like a great plan but I don't know if you can really pull this off so I'm headed back to the bakery and I will bless one or two people. Hope your plan works out but I think I'll stick to my own plan. Yours actually sounds a little crazy! Actually, your plan sounds impossible!
The bread was a blessing and Jesus just kept multiplying the blessing. Why can't I just be bread? Why can't I stop arguing and fussing and expecting and just BE! Wow, I wonder what Jesus could do with me if I could just BE. If I could trust, there is no telling what Jesus could do through me. How many people would Jesus use me to bless? What am I missing out on right now with all this insanity in my life? More important, what blessings and joy am I stealing away from someone else because I argue and fuss and whine to so much, I can't even hear Jesus when He speaks to me. Why can't I just be the bread, at least sometimes.
Isn't this what Jesus expects of us. To be a blessing to others and allow Him to multiply the blessings. What the heck is it going to take? I love the stories and in my own silly little mind, I have a visual understanding of the concepts. I just can't seem to slow down and just BE.
My prayer today is be able to stop each day and think about how I could be a blessing in someones life. To be quiet and allow God to work in me and through me.
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